IIM Ahmedabad
Amaethon 2015, The International Food and Agribusiness Summit

About the event: Rural Crusader is a 2 round event. The first round is an elimination round in which the participants are required to prepare and submit a power point presentation on the analysis of the case study of Greenway Grameen Infra. In the final round the shortlisted participants will be called to campus to give final presentation of their analysis to the Panelists
Web link: http://www.iimaamaethon.com/events/rural-crusaders/

Round 1: Case Study for Greenway Grameen Infra which co-create BoP products for rural consumers that are low cost as well as pro-health and productivity and environmentally friendly

Deliverables:  Corporate Strategy for Greenway Grameen Infra (www.greenwaygrameen.com)

Presentation:   To be uploaded later

Results:  https://www.facebook.com/iimaamaethon/photos/a.321054668040843.1073741833.318884068257903/620744364738537/?type=1&theater

TEAM EXPLORER Members: Shahnab Ahmed, Imran Bari Khan and Akshay Kumar

Round 2: To be held in IIM, Ahmedabad campus on 17th January 2015. Also an opportunity to interact with Neha Juneja, CEO and Ankit Mathur, CTO 


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