IIM Ahmedabad
Amaethon 2015, The International Food and Agribusiness Summit

About the event: STRATEGIA is a 2-stage case competition. The first stage is a screening round in which participants are required to submit their analysis-cum-recommendations in the form a 9-slide PowerPoint presentation.  The finale would be held at IIM A campus during Amaethon. The selected teams would be required to present their analysis and recommendations to a panel of judges. 
Web link: http://www.iimaamaethon.com/events/strategia/

Round 1: Case Study for Krishi Star- A food processing start-up

Deliverables:  Corporate Strategy for Krishi Star

Presentation:   To be uploaded later

Results:  https://www.facebook.com/iimaamaethon/photos/a.321054668040843.1073741833.318884068257903/617466461732994/?type=1&theater

TEAM EXPLORER Members: Shahnab Ahmed, Mrigendra Pratap Singh and Akshay Chandra

Round 2: To be held in IIM, Ahmedabad campus on 18th January 2015. Also an opportunity to interact with Bryan Lee, Krishi Star Founder-CEO (MBA, Kellogg School of Management) and the CIIE team. Waiting impatiently now!!!


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