Advanced Clickstream Analytics with Retentioneering Framework

Advanced Click stream Analytics

Project Definition-

In a common scenario, user behavior can be explored by analyzing user event data from Google Analytics 360, Big Query stream or any other similar streams in form of events and their timestamps for users. However this kind of analysis is rather time consuming to specifically design for analytics tasks, reduce data wrangling and simplify data cleaning and visualization. 

This project attempts to systemize to vectorize clickstream logs and cluster user trajectories to automatically identify common successful or churn patterns- It can reveal much more insights than funnel analytics, as we can build the behavioral segments and their patterns, highlighting what events and pattern impact conversion rates, retention and revenue. 

About Retentioneering Python Framework- 

Retentioneering is a Python framework and library (Github Link) to assist product analysts and marketing analysts as it makes it easier to process and analyze clickstreams, events stream trajectories and event logs. It enables to segment users, clients (agents), build ML pipelines to predict agent category or probability of target event based on historical data.

Notebook with Codes


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