MOOCs Undertaken:

  • The Power of Microeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World- University of California, Irvine
About the Course: This course aimed at teaching the major principles of microeconomics and also how to apply them to a wide variety of real world situations in both your personal and professional lives.

Statement of Accomplishment
  • Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The first step in Entrepreneurship- University of Maryland, College Park
About the Course: This course aimed at exploring how to identify and develop great ideas into great companies. It helped to learn how to identify opportunities based on real customer needs and develop solid business models and create successful companies. 

Statement of Accomplishment
  • Critical Perspective on Management- IE Business School
About the Course: An unconventional approach to management strategy! This class offered us  the opportunity to explore today's management practices from unexpected perspectives in order to ask provocative questions about the modern business environment. This approach will allow us to interrogate key management concepts in order to explore the thinking that informs them and, as importantly, the form of capitalism they foster.

Statement of Accomplishment:


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